Dealing with twist shrinkage

Photo on 12-30-13 at 6.12 PM 2

Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and had lovely hair days. Today’s tops are dealing with twist shrinkage. I’m not sure if you guys have this problem as well. Whenever I have just did my twist they are just beautiful to me I’m like ya know really loving my hair. It has the whole whip factor going on. It’s light and breezy I can whip it any which of way the length of my hair can be seen, but I noticed that the next day my twist were completely different then how they were from the day prior.

When I take down my hair my hair is all shriveled up at the ends, and there is major shrinkage. When I say shrinkage I mean out of this world. Now for me I have different lengths to my hair the font of my hair is longer then the back so shrinkage is just a no! I can’t deal it just makes me want to take them right out. So, over the years I didn’t really know how to remedy this problem.

I sometimes sleep with a silk pillowcase, which I love and save me some nights. You all know how it is I just am zapped and just simply am not even thinking about a bonnet or scarf. Listen I’m just keeping it real! I know we have all had those days. So with all that being said I found a new method this week. I just started taking my hair and putting it into two big flat twists on either side of my head with hair ties  at the ends and a silk scarf.

In the morning I unravel the two flat twist and if I spray my hair with a bit of water just to bring a little life into my twist. Now when spraying your hair with water just a mist on the sections, because the whole idea is to skip out on shrinkage. After I spray my hair with the water I take my hair in sections holding the section in place with one hand and taking the other to smooth and further elongate my twist gently pulling it downward. I repeat gently do not tug at your hair. Do not tug at your hair seriously!

Tugging and being rough on your hair is counterproductive for its health and growth.  This is no guaranteed method for the perfect first day twist look, but it does cut down on the shrinkage and is definitely worth a try. You can also use a bonnet with an adjustable string or an extra-large bonnet. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new methods with your hair you maybe pleasantly surprised. Remember, be happy, be curly, be you, and you will never fail.

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